A Letter From Katie

Welcome to KK Daily. We’ve been working on this for a while now, a place to talk more about our pillars: Live Well. Celebrate More. Travel Often. And I’m so happy to finally share it. Here you’ll find everything from travel guides to deep thoughts on living to creative spotlights of designers we love to one minute reads that hopefully brighten your day.
Each article is accompanied by a hand drawing by a Ukrainian artist and here you’ll also find my own art projects as well as those by artists around the world we’re learning about and loving.
On the wall of our office hangs another motto I love: style and substance are not opposing philosophies. It’s a thread that runs through much of my life, a deep conviction that the sacred and the mundane are more intertwined than we think. As Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.” And I think that applies to everything from how you decorate your home to how a dress makes your feel in the morning to the hand-written note you send a loved one. Maybe they aren’t miracles in and of themselves but the process around all of them – creativity, love, self-expression – certainly are.
So is the case with daily life and this crazy ride we all find ourselves on, this rock that’s hurtling through space. The trick seems to be how we choose to see things. So our hope here at KK Daily is to take the time to see our lives for what they are, explore everything from the pretty to the profound, and find daily meaning even in the mundane.
Thanks for being here.
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